Lettere per l'Abruzzo

6 Maggio 2010

Lettera per l’Abruzzo da James e Dan Fante


Forest Oil Corporation
Monte Pallano – Colle Santo

James Fante, Thousand Oaks, California

Paese di origine dello scrittore John Fante

Dan Fante, Sedona, Arizona

May 6th 2010

Dear representative of the Ufficio di Valutazione Ambientale of the Abruzzo region,

It has recently come to our attention that the Forest Oil Corporation of Denver has filed an intent to drill the Bomba area for oil and gas, as of March 15th 2010.

We are the children of John Fante, who in his stories never failed to write about the Abruzzo traditions and culture that his parents had taught him, and who with his books gave fame to Torricella Peligna and to its people. As his descendants, we continue to carry genuine love for Abruzzo. We visit the area often and are engaged in several literary and community projects in Torricella, which we love deeply. We have walked the Abruzzo beaches and felt the quiet magnificence of her mountains and forests. Over the years, we have been humbled and honored time and again by the genuineness and kindness of the Abruzzo people. (more…)

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